Monday, November 22, 2010

10th Annual Pie Contest

If you are a regular reader, you know our boss Dan Wieden prefers pie to cake, so every year for the last 10 years we have had a pie making contest. There are seven categories and anyone in the agency can enter as many pies as they like. Judges pick the category winners which then go to the winners table where Dan picks the overall winner. One lucky baker wins a trip to NY for two, and gets bragging rights for a year. This year Michele Lefore, the head of the studio, won with her banana cream pie. Unfortunately I didn't get to taste it was gobbled up by the time I could find a plate and get to the table.

This year we had a new addition to the pie making contest, pie throwing. Several of the the big wigs at the agency, as well as an IT person, the girl who always bugs you for your time sheet, and a couple of others lined up to get a pie in the face from the highest bidder. We raised over $3500, which the agency matched, so we donated over $7000 to the mission for Thanksgiving dinners.

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