I once saw an article by a very esteemed rock critic talking about his secret shame, Scritti Politti. I was not sure how to take this as almost every critic loves them and is not afraid to rate this record, Cupid & Psyche, five out of five stars. That said, this is pop music and that can make you squirm. But it's the best kind of pop music, danceable and upbeat with weird, dark, intelligent lyrics. Green Gartside is Scritti Politti. Over the years he has brought in a series of producers and musicians to put his records together, although he usually plays most of the instruments on all his records. Unfortunately he doesn't like to tour and according to an interview in the New Yorker last year doesn't like to work very much at all. He has managed to make enough money to live simply and happily in Wales and come out with records when he feels like it. Cupid & Psyche was the first Scritti Politti record I heard in 1985, but my understanding is that it is a collection of singles that had been previously released in the UK. It is easily the best pop record every made. So turn it up and dance around without feeling guilty.