Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I usually don't remember my dreams, and if I do I am not one to analyze them too deeply. I don't feel they have much meaning and are probably just the subconscious running wild as we slumber. However, every now and then a strange thing happens when you are dreaming and it does make you wonder. Last night I was having a strange dream and for some reason I was able to freeze time whenever a distinct bell would ring. This happened about three times before I woke up and realized that the sound was actually my phone alerting me that I had received a text. It was very interesting to me that I had incorporated something from the real world into my dream. I know this may not sound too unique as dreams usually incorporate familiar places and people, but I thought it was cool that I was actually incorporating a real time event.

So, I did a little research to see if this was a normal occurrence or if it had a deeper meaning. As I am sure most people know, there are several dreams we all seem to have. Chase dreams mean we are anxious about something; naked dreams, as in being naked in public, mean you are trying to hide something; and falling dreams mean you are out of control or overwhelmed. So what about the ability to freeze time? To dream about time, indicates your fears of not being able to cope with the pressures and stresses of everyday life. If time is flying or moving slowly, then it represents aging and growing old. Not as specific as I would like but OK.

I couldn't find out anything about incorporating real time events into your dream. The closest I got is the lucid dream, but this is when a person is dreaming and they know they are dreaming. I did not know I was dreaming, I thought what I was doing was very real. Unfortunately, I don't remember doing anything super cool when I froze time, but I think it would be a good superpower.

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