Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today I got my first acupuncture treatment. I have had pain in my neck off and on for over four years and I have tried a lot of things to stop it. Getting a massage helps a lot, as does getting a chiropractic adjustment, but nothing has cured it. I am not sure it can be cured, but I am always open to trying new things that could help. So, yesterday I got a bunch of needles stuck in my ears, arms, legs and neck. The good news is that it doesn't hurt as soon as the needle is in. The thing that I did not expect is how intense a small needle can be on your muscles. By moving the needle around you can make the muscle twitch and start to release. After a few minutes of this the muscle starts to feel like it has gotten a real workout.

After it was over, I could still feel some pain, but it was greatly diminished and I had a lot better range of motion. It's a little expensive, but I think I'll try it a few more times to see how it works out.

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