Saturday, August 28, 2010


Ever dream of winning the lottery? You may change your opinion after you see the new HBO documentary, Lucky.

Director Jeffery Blitz of Spellbound fame, takes us around America meeting several "lucky" winners and discovering how the money changed their life. This film follows the lives of several big money winners and one hopeful. We meet Quang, a Vietnamese immigrant who won $22 million as part of a eight way contingent at work. James, a down and out man who spent his last $3 on a Powerball ticket and won $5 million. Kristine and Steve, a nice middle-class American couple who won $110 million. Robert, a math professor who despite knowing the odds, still plays and wins $22 million. Buddy, a local hero who won $16 million. And finally Verna, who spends up to $100 a day playing the lotto and after 30 years has still not had a big payday.

What is the one thing that holds these people together? At some point in the movie, despite many great things that the money has brought them, they all say, "I wish I had never won." Some people do better than others in the long run, but no one gets away without their life charging significantly. the saddest story is Buddy, who's family literally tries to kill him to get his money.

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