Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Real Rain

Yesterday I was reminded what rain can really sound like. That hard southern rain where two inches falls in an hour. The kind of rain that if you get caught out in it, you not only get drenched, your head hurts from the pounding.

Yes it does rain a lot in the Pacific Northwest, but I think it would make more sense to say it rains consistently, not a lot. In 30 minutes yesterday we got more rain than Portland does in a month. As cool as it is to watch, there are two major problems the rain brings with it. One, flash floods and two, it feels like you are taking a sauna in a swamp with a plastic bag wrapped around you when it stops and the sun comes out. Flash floods are not very fun either. Freeway underpasses and other low lying areas fill up with water fast and can make the roads impassable. Also, the rain seems to activate all the oil on the road and makes driving a contact sport.

It's funny when something you don't really notice any more in Portland, can bring everything to a stop in Houston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith has made me homesick for the rain. The real rain of Louisiana. There is nothing better than hunkering in and reading a book during a downpour. You don't feel guilty for not being outside.