Friday, January 11, 2008

BCS Championship Game

As a special bonus we got to attend the BCS Championship game in New Orleans this year. Here is the proud LSU graduate with her beer, beads and LSU Santa hat, ready to cheer the team on to victory.We took a stroll down Bourbon St. before the game started to see people getting warmed up. The crowd was larger at 4:00 p.m. than it was at midnight on New Year's eve.

Needless to say, there were people throwing beads from balconies and all the bars were segregated, either purple and gold or red.

There were also some very interesting characters out and about. The LSU fans were much better dressed than the Ohio State fans.

A special thank you to our brother-in-law Shea for getting us the tickets. We had great seats and access to the hospitality suite -- read free food and drinks.

But most importantly the Ohio State fans went home sad.

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