Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cell Phone Abuse

Why is it that the worse a person's life is going the louder they talk on the cell phone. You never hear anyone say, "I just got engaged" or "I won a million dollars" on the cell phone, mostly you hear people talking about intimate medical issues or how bad work is going. For the most part people on the bus seem to be respectful when using their cell phone. They keep the call short or the cover their mouth with their hand when they speak. You do get the occasional meth head whining about how he lost his job because he was high for three days and forgot to call in sick, but usually not a big deal. Today was a new experience. A guy sitting right behind me yelled into the phone the entire trip. The weird thing is I think he was happy. I can't say for sure because he was speaking French with a heavy African accent, but he laughed a lot which makes me think he may have been conveying good news. He also talked a lot. It's a 30 minute ride into town and I didn't hear him breathe once. I suspect he was saying, "Hi my is Algeen and I am a prince from Nigeria. I need to transfer $5 million into my US account and if you are willing to hold the money for a week I will give you $50,000, all I need is a $5,000 deposit..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tell me about it. you wouldn't believe what people say in the waiting room, so we can ALL hear.