Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Worst Website Address Ever

Every time we walk down SE Belmont from our house to our favorite pub, the Hoursebrass, we walk past a place called "A School for Self & Energy Awareness." That is in and of itself a ridiculous name that makes me laugh every time I see it, but here is the kicker, the web address is It just rolls of the tongue. Another thing I find funny is that this is "a" school for self and energy awareness, not "the" school, suggesting that there may be others. Here are the classes you can take at A School for Self & Energy Awareness:

THE ART OF ENERGY HEALING - This course is an in-depth study on self-healing, but also includes safe and effective skills to transmit healing energy to another person or animal. The next scheduled class begins: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 12 weeks, 6-8:30pm, $300.

CLAIRVOYANT CLASS - If you have to ask, you probably don't qualify. The Art of Energy Healing is required as a prerequisite to this class. The next scheduled class: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 6-9pm, 6 month, $720.

CLAIRVOYANT CHAKRA READINGSA - deep and effective way to reach matters of the heart, soul and well being. 1 hour reading $90.
I am not one to discount clairvoyance, I am sure there are people that are much more in touch with the world than I am. My question is, why do they have to make the web site so hard to remember?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi all