Thursday, January 21, 2010

Taking a Strange Bus

Everyday I take the number 15 bus to work. If you've read this blog before you know there are a lot of interesting people on the bus. You see and hear a lot of weird and wonderful stuff and over time you look forward to seeing the bus people. Yesterday I took a new bus I had never been on before. This is always a scary venture into the unknown, but it also provides the opportunity to meet an entirely new group of bus people. I wanted to go to a class over on the east side between home and work, and I saw that the number 20 bus would actually be the fastest way to get there. It stops close to work, so I didn't have to walk very far, and it dropped me a few blocks from where I needed to be. If you don't know the bus route, the hard part is figuring out where to get off. You are always worried that you went too far or that you'll get off too early. Luckily this bus had a reader board that said where the next stop was so I did not screw it up.

So what about the bus people? The #20 bus goes through a little rougher area than my normal bus (if you don't count the methadone clinic), so I was hoping to see some color, but unfortunately it was pretty boring. The people looked pretty normal and dressed fairly nicely. I might go as far as to say that it was a better group of people.

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