Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nemesis by Jo Nesbø

So I read two of these Jo Nesbø books back to back and I open the Oregonian on Sunday and find out that Norwegian crime novels are the new, in thing. Just like me to be trendy. Turns out there are eight Harry Hole detective novels and The Devil's Star, which originally came out in 2005, has just been released in the US. Coincidentally, Jo Nesbø will be reading from his new book on Thursday night at Powell's book store in Portland.

So back to Nemesis, I have to say I thought Nemesis was better that Redbreast. It was easier to read and follow, but just as thrilling. It still needed a pretty big closing explanation, but it came together better at the end. The story begins with a man walking into a bank and putting a gun to a cashier's head. He tells her to count to twenty-five. When he doesn't get his money in time, she is executed. Our hero (or anti-hero) detective Harry Hole is on the case. While Harry's girlfriend is away in Russia, an old flame gets in touch. He goes to dinner at her house and wakes up at home with no memory of the past evening. The same morning the girl is found shot dead in her bed. Harry begins to receive threatening e-mails. Is someone trying to frame him for this unexplained death? Meanwhile the bank robberies continue with no clues. Trying to solve two cases at once and continuing his battle with a racist, neo-Nazi cop keeps this story moving along at a fast clip.

If you are a fan of the detective genre, jump into the Norwegian pool and enjoy Jo Nesbø.

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