Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The National Head Start Association

Today was a fun day, we finally presented the new look we have been working on for the National Head Start Association for over two years. Many of you probably know that Head Start is an important government program that helps under served kids get the nutrition and early education they need so they can keep up when they start school. But I am sure you have never heard of the NHSA. We hadn't either and it took a while to figure out exactly what they do. In short, they are an organization that helps protect Head Start. So when the Bush administration tried to cut their funds, these are the guys who wrote letters to congress to protect it.

We worked with Ron Herndon who runs a local Head Start program here in Portland and is also on the board of the NHSA. He is an amazing guy who works tirelessly to protect and help kids through Head Start. He is a friend of Dan Wieden's and came to Dan to see if we could help with their communication. We started with their logo and did an entire revamp of all their communication including their website. Today we presented it to all their regional directors and they loved it. The website will be live in a couple of weeks, so check it out at and if you are inspired please make a donation or become a member.

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