Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

You may watch the Super Bowl for the football, but I work in advertising, so to me, the ads are just as important. Here's what stood out (good and bad) to me:

Audi - Nice continuing tie-in with the movie Transporter. I liked the way he passed up the Lexus for the Audi and the 70's and 80's footage was cool.
Pedigree Adoption Drive - "Should have gotten a dog." Inappropriate pets are funny, you can't play Frisbee with a water buffalo.
Coke - My good friend Eric "SuperBowl" Samsel did a nice job with the Avatar spot, and the picnic spot was beautiful, right in the Coke wheelhouse.
Pepsi - Nice spot that juxtapositions Dylan with, Gumby and Shrek, Belushi and Jack Black. They asked us if they could put Coraline footage in there, but looks like we got bumped for Shrek. McGruber was funny. In my opinion , Pepsi wins the cola wars.
Carrer Builder - In the battle of job sites, I think the spots were funnier than the ones.
Doritos - The crystal ball spot was funny, but the crunch spot was pretty crass.
Bud - These guys ran a lot of ads, but none of them were very good, although the Conan Swedish ad was a little funny.
Miller High Life - I love the one second commercial and the play they got out of it leading up to the Super Bowl.
Jack in the Box - Jack gets hit by a bus and we're supposed to go to to see what happens, but it looks like the server got hit by a bus too, I could not get it to come up.
Cash4Gold - Are you kidding me? You know the economy is in the toilet if these guys can afford a Super Bowl spot. And it was funny.
Some pretty crappy movies - Did you see anything you are super excited about? The Will Farrel (Land of the Lost) and Jack Black (Year One) flicks both looked OK, but not great. Monsters vs. Aliens will of course be a big hit, but who had the 3-D glasses?

I thought there were several good spots, but no A+'s. You can see all the spots again and vote for your favorite at hulu (who made a pretty funny spot themselves with Alec Baldwin). BTW - pretty good game too.

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