Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sleeping on the Bus

Seeing this drooling kid passed out on the bus made me think, I would have to be pretty tired to touch my face to the side of the bus. It also reminded me of a time when I was almost that tired. When I lived in London I could not afford cab fare, so if you were out late and the Tube was closed, the only way home was the late bus. As you probably figured out the only people on the late bus are drunk and poor, not a good combination. A lot of people fell asleep (passed out) on the late bus and missed their stop. The only thing worse than being drunk and tired is being drunk, tired and a long way from home. So one Saturday night I saw an interesting sight. A girl was passed on on the bus, but she had the foresight to make a sign and hang it around her neck that said, "wake me in Brixton.". The good news is someone was still awake to shake her (I didn't want to touch my face to the bus).

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