Friday, July 31, 2009


Travelling from Scotland back to Portland is not the best way to spend your birthday. I began the day with a short run. I was very good about sticking to my running schedule when I was in Scotland. It is a great place to run. The weather is generally cool and the terrain is flat. There are also several good running paths along the golf courses or the beach, and for longer runs there is a path all the way to Leuchars (about 10 miles around). After the run I had a great Scottish breakfast: bacon, sausage, eggs, beans and toast, a great way to start the day.

The flight from Edinburgh to Newark was pretty non-eventful. The problem is you are only half way at this point. We had a couple of pints of Guiness at the Newark airport before we got on the flight to Seattle, which made the screaming kid a little more bearable. In Seattle, Barbara's sister picked us up and had birthday cake waiting back at the house. So, about 20 hours after my birthday breakfast, I was blowing out the candles on my cake and got to hear the Baugnon's sing happy birthday!

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